It didn’t take long for the border and immigration enforcement industry to react to Donald Trump’s reelection. On November 6th, as Bloomberg News reported, stock prices shot up for two private prison companies, GEO Group and CoreCivic. “We expect the incoming Trump administration to take a much more aggressive approach regarding border security as well as interior enforcement,” explained the GEO Group’s executive chair, George Zoley, “and to request additional funding from Congress to achieve these goals.” In other words, the “largest mass deportation operation in U.S. history” was going to be a moneymaker. As it happens, that Bloomberg piece was a rarity, offering a glimpse of immigration enforcement that doesn’t normally get the attention it deserves by focusing on... Read more
The American tradition of airstrikes against Somalia is continuing into Trump’s second term.
The post Trump the “Peacemaker” Ramps Up America’s Forever War in Somalia appeared first on The Intercept.
“Good morning, boss.”
“Mornin’, Sneaky Matt. They tell me you’re the one’s been tailing our mark for the last month, is that right?”
“That’s right, sir.”
“Studyin’ his moves and whatnot, stickin’ to him like white on rice and so forth, is that right, Sneaky Matt?”
“It’s Sneaky Matthew, but yes, sir.”
“That’s real good, Sneaky Matthew. I hear this guy’s a machine of efficiency and routine. I want to know everything; when he sleeps, when he eats, when he yawns—the guy so much as closes his eyes when he farts we need to know about it.”
“Yes, sir.”
“It’s these rare moments of carelessness that we need. If we’re lucky, our window will be open just long enough to make our move and pull off the heist of the century! But only when he’s indisposed.”
“I understand the plan, sir.”
“It’s when he’s otherwise occupied by his daily routine that we strike.”
“All right, Sneaky Matthew. Tell me about this guy, this machine. When does this high-level operator take a break, give me every detail.”
“At exactly 5:59 a.m. his alarm goes off, every day.”
- by Nat Case
- by Peter Harrison