
Sat, 19/10/2024 - 08:19
I Starta Pressarna  fortsätter debatten om det finanspolitiska ramverket och behovet av stora framtida investeringar i infrastruktur, bostäder, försvar och energiomställning. I det här avsnittet vädrar Daniel Suhonen, Enna Gerin  och Max Jerneck ett berättigat missnöje över den överenskommelse som regeringen i samförstånd med SD, C och  socialdemokraterna slutit om ett nytt finanspolitiskt ramverk. Det […]
Sat, 19/10/2024 - 06:30
Trump thinks he would have settled the slavery question before the civil war. I suspect he thinks he could have “settled” it the way he “settled” the abortion quesiton: by giving the assholes everything they want and then saying it was what everyone wanted all along. Also: He looks tired. Does he have the “strength and the stamina” to be president for four more years? I don’t think so: Former President Donald Trump has pulled out of a string of campaign events and interviews over the last two months, often leaving his hosts frustrated after being promised a visit by the GOP presidential candidate. The staff of The Shade Room, an entertainment site with wide reach among young and Black audiences, shortly after wrapping an interview with Vice President Kamala Harris last week were left feeling that their “feet were being dragged in the Trump campaign,” according to two sources who spoke to Politico Playbook.
Sat, 19/10/2024 - 05:19

Retired Major General Giora Eiland’s shocking proposal to starve out northern Gaza’s civilians, backed by top Israeli leaders, threatens to escalate into one of the deadliest humanitarian crises in recent history.

The post Who Is Behind The Genocidal “General’s Plan” To Annex Northern Gaza? appeared first on MintPress News.

Sat, 19/10/2024 - 05:00
Apparently, most Americans think so In September of 2020, 200,000 Americans had just died of COVID. There was no vaccine, unemployment was at 8%. The whole world had just been shut down and was only slowly coming back to life. Donald Trump was pushing snake oil cures and pretending the whole thing wasn’t much of a problem. And yet 55 percent of Americans believed they were better off than they’d been four years ago. And only 39 percent believe that now. WTF?
Sat, 19/10/2024 - 05:00

Your Wife Never Truly Loved Halloween

She claims she used to be in love with All Hallow’s Eve and that she spent years trying to work things out with the spooky season. But it’s become abundantly clear that she is a liar. Your wife never loved Halloween. And you know what? GOOD. Halloween doesn’t need her anyway. Halloween’s got candy corn, Freddy Krueger, and peeled grapes that feel like eyeballs. And someday, I’m sure Halloween will find someone who loves it for the holiday it truly is, not the idealized holiday she wishes Halloween was.

The Skeleton Wasn’t Really the "Last Straw”

She says the divorce isn’t because of the skeleton; the skeleton is just the latest example of your selfish and irresponsible behavior, and she’s fed up trying to raise her children and an immature man-child husband. But nah, it’s definitely because of the skeleton. If you ask me, she’s probably just jealous that you have a cool giant skeleton. Also, she’s the immature one. And she’s stupid.

Sat, 19/10/2024 - 04:59
Israel succeeded in what it is good at destroying, killing children and women and assassinating leaders, in killing Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar. But the Israelis are only deceiving themselves if they think that through their crimes, they can accomplish success for their colonial project and force the Palestinian people to surrender. Since its establishment in Continue reading »
Sat, 19/10/2024 - 04:58
For years, the Israeli authorities have restricted food, fuel and essential supplies to the Palestinians in Gaza, turning the deliveries on and off at will. This contributed to the desperate Hamas outbreak on 7 October 2023, which some experienced observers believe the Netanyahu government expected Continue reading »
Sat, 19/10/2024 - 04:57
Readers may recall my recent P&I post, Israel does not have a right to defend itself, as our PM keeps saying, 11 October. Since publication I have been questioned by some: does the argument made in respect of Palestinians resisting from the West Bank and Gaza, occupied by Israel, apply as well to resistance in Continue reading »
Sat, 19/10/2024 - 04:56
‘Rude’, ‘deeply unprofessional’, ‘bad mannered’, a ‘slap in the face’, ‘insulting’, and ‘inhumane’. You could be forgiven for thinking the Australian state Premiers were engaged in a collective criminal enterprise to warrant such strident rebuke from the British press pack. In fact, they had simply declined an invitation to the welcome reception for our visiting Continue reading »
Sat, 19/10/2024 - 04:54
The horrific incarceration of Australian Daniel Duggan, a political prisoner in his own country, will have lasted two years next week. In that time he has been locked up in four different maximum security prisons, based only on untested allegations from the United States government. He has no charges against him in Australia and has Continue reading »
Sat, 19/10/2024 - 04:00
We have officially entered the manic stage of the presidential election in which the candidates are suddenly everywhere. At least Kamala Harris is everywhere. She’s holding huge raucous rallies all over the swing states, appearing on podcasts and mainstream interviews even going on Fox and subjecting herself to a barrage of hostile Trump inspired accusations from anchor Brett Baier who didn’t seem to want her to actually answer them. (She showed she cannot be intimidated which was probably the point of the interview in the first place.) Nobody at this point should complain that she isn’t being available to the public. Just turn on your TV and you’ll see her there. Trump, on the other hand, is as present as always by holding looney rallies and post on crazy comments on Truth Social, but is refusing to debate Harris again and has cancelled numerous scheduled interviews this week. Yet he’s holding events in California and New York which aren’t even on the radar.
Sat, 19/10/2024 - 02:00

How should I prepare for my first mammogram?
On the day of your exam, don’t apply deodorant or scented lotions. Also, be sure to remove any nipple piercings, nursing children, and/or tiny nipple top hats.

Will I need to arrive early to fill out paperwork?
Yes. We have efficiently limited the pre-procedure paperwork to a short eleven pages by reducing the print to size-seven font. Feel free to grab a pair of readers from the lost-and-found box. Also, be prepared to detail your entire family’s medical history, including your great-aunt Cornelia’s cup size and nipple circumference to the closest quarter inch.

I assume you will then enter all the information into my chart?
The paperwork is purely performative, and we will shred it immediately after you hand it to us. Be prepared to answer all of these questions again. And again. And again.